Apparently our district has decided to only block stuff while we are at school, and I can now get into my favorite stuff from home again. I am buying my own laptop with recently earned Summer School money soon, so even if it becomes a problem again it won't affect me!
I have applied for library certification, and am finishing the last class for my MASTERS degree. That is so weird!
Lucy Kay and Cole are doing great! It's true what they say, no two kids are alike. Lucy is still waking up at least once during the night for a bottle, only sleeping all night sporadically. By 2 months Cole was sleeping from 10pm to 7am, so I was a little spoiled. I am hoping to get Lucy to that point by the time I go back to work in August.
But she is the cutest thing...smiling and laughing when you talk to her now. Absolutely Adorable!
Cole is all fired up to start at Dixie Elementary in the fall. He can't wait to learn to read! If I can just keep him motivated it will be great. His mamaw has been taking him to the library for storytime every week for me while I have been working summer school. Now I can start taking him myself. He loves it, and gets to check out books each week. He is also very into letter writing [thanks so much, Nana :-)] and wants me to help him write a letter every 10 minutes. He likes to draw pictures, and always draws the same thing...our family. It is the sweetest thing.
We are leaving for San Antonio Thursday, July 2 and returning home Sunday, July 5th or Monday, July 6th. We have tickets for the big fireworks show at SEAWORLD on July 4th. Fully expecting that to be awesome! We are dropping Lucy off at my mom's in Waco on the way and picking her up on the way home. Too hot for little babies! I think I have Wyatt talked into stopping at San Marcos to buy school clothes and shoes for Cole on the way. We'll see how that goes. Wyatt hates to shop, unless it's for himself.
Granny came and helped me can pinto beans and yellow squash and took back lots of cucumbers to make my favorite pickles. I am going to attempt to can by myself tomorrow. We picked loads of yellow squash again tonight. I am ready to make hot sauce soon with Tamme. I make her cut everything up...that takes forever!!!
I hope I can make weekly posts, so check back for updates.
Love to all,